About Us
We are the nation’s CTC and Orthodox Tea specialist, with a passion for everything that makes a quality brew. Since the commencement of the Kalubowitiyana CTC Tea operation, we have been spreading our reach globally by manufacturing thick coloury CTC grades for renowned, quality blends for everyone to enjoy.
Kalubowitiyana Tea Factory Ltd (KTFL) was incorporated on the 30th of September 1992 as a Public Company fully owned by the Government of Sri Lanka and functioning under the Ministry of Plantation Industries. It began commercial operations with the commencement of manufacturing at the newly built CTC Tea Factory located in Kalubowitiyana, Morawaka on 1st August 1994. The Derangala Tea Factory in Derangala Morawaka was re-built under the Kalubowitiyana umbrella, and commenced manufacturing of Orthodox Teas in March 2000. Company acquired the Hiniduma Hills Tea Factory in Neluwa and Menikdiwela Tea Factory in Manikdiwela, Pilimathalawa to its network in the years 2012 and 2015, increasing the total production capacity to over 1700 MT p.a..
Our Vision and Mission
Managing Director’s Message
We were able to deliver exceptional results to all our stakeholders during the financial year 2022/23 despite the economic recession both in Sri Lanka and globally. I am grateful to all our stakeholders for the confidence placed upon us with regard to carrying out our operations successfully amidst the challenges faced both by the industry and the country last year.
The Company produced 1548 MT of teas and earned Rs. 2635 Mn of recorded income which led to the highest profit recorded during the history of KTFL in 2022/23. Similarly, 'Kalubowitiyana Tea' achieved the highest price in the 'Colombo Tea Auction' and paid the highest rate for Green Leaf Supplied by the Tea Small Holders. This is a remarkable achievement by any tea company in the history of the industry. We are glad to contribute to both the national economy and Tea Small Holders with these outstanding performances. These extraordinary performances are mainly due to transformations caused as a result of the following developments introduced:
- Latest technology in factories to cut down on labour and to also improve the quality of tea produced,
- MIS, CCTV, Face Detection Machines, Automating the green leaf weighing, Despatch and Guard Rooms to improve transparency and Good Governance.
- 292 Numbers Internal Circulars prescribing the Processors, Systems and procedures and Job Descriptions, Targets, KPIs, Performance Evaluation to all the employees to strengthen the Administration.
- Incentive, Compensation schemes as well as Training and Appreciations to encourage the employees whilst taking stern action against the employees whose performances are not up to standards in order to properly manage the workforce.
Our greatest strength is our dedicated employees in the industry. Despite the challenges, our
employees committed to achieve the desired results and I am very much grateful to all of them.
Similarly, we resolved to help our Green Leaf Suppliers and the community of the area to strengthen
their socio-economic standards by continuously carrying out Training and CSR programmes as the
Company wants to grow as a ‘lifestyle improvement’ partner for both our Green Leaf Suppliers,
Transporters and the Community at large. The Plantation Ministry, Treasury and the Board of Directors
extended enormous support for all endeavours throughout.
The company contributed Rs. 2.5 Mn being the best producer, propelling our economy forward
whilst approximately 400 Tea Smallholders were paid the best rates for their harvest. By promoting
Good Agricultural Practices and initiatives for implementation of renewable energy sources which
reduce carbon footprint, the campaign contributed to ethical practices, promoting the sustainable
development of the tea industry.
The campaign united all our strengths to achieve our corporate objectives through continuous
development to decrease the Cost of Production and increase the Net Sales Average. The company will
be able to achieve the cutting edge of the tea industry through teamwork and implementing the planned
strategies to maximise its revenue which will invariably lead to enhancing the ‘Quality of Life’ of all our
stakeholders. Through these endeavours the company is resolved to achieve greater heights. I thank all
the contributors and seek continued support to increase the value of the enterprise and to increase the
Gross National Income of the country at a stage when the National Economy is encumbered with a
serious financial crisis.
Dr .M.N. Jayawardane.
Managing Director/CEO