Rare words of praise from Auditor General for Kalubovitiyana Tea Factory Limited

Chairman of Kalubovitiyana Tea Factory Limited, Aminda Rodrigo, first row (extreme right), with other members of the top management(pic courtesy parliament)
Auditor General W.P.C. Wickremaratne has said the relatively small Kalubovitiyana Tea Factory Ltd., had followed recommendations made by the Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE) way back in 2013 and achieved excellent results.
The AG said so when commenting on the state enterprise recording a significant Rs 2 bn income in 2022, the year of unprecedented turmoil, and a profit of Rs 214 mn after the payment of taxes. Wickremaratne said that such a successful state enterprise hadn’t come before COPE for a long time.
The meeting held on 08 Sept., in Parliament, was chaired by Prof. Ranjith Bandara, MP. A statement issued by Parliament’s Director Legislative Services/Director Communication (Acting) Janakantha Silva quoted the Chairman of the Kalubovitiyana Tea Factory Limited, Aminda Rodrigo, as having said that their tea factories in the districts of Matara, Galle and Kandy had overcome daunting challenges to achieve success.
The COPE Chair congratulated the institution on its progress.

State owned Kalubowitiyana Tea soars to new heights, with record profits and record prices paid to tea smallholders
The four factories located in Kalubowitiyana and Derangala in the Matara District, Hiniduma Hills in the Galle District and Menikdiwela in the Kandy District are committed to enriching the lives of over 4,000 tea smallholders, while supporting the livelihoods of over 350 employees.
This economic benefit and stability that KTFL provides to 10,000+ people, is no small feat given the severe economic difficulties facing the country today.
Steeped in the concerns of recent operational challenges, Kalubowitiyana Tea has steered masterfully through the volatility to achieve the remarkable feat of closing their first quarter of 2022 with a revenue of Rs. 583 million and a net profit of Rs. 222 million.
Mr. Aminda Rodrigo, Chairman of Kalubowitiyana Tea, confirmed that the company has recorded the all time highest price for low grown CTC tea at more than a staggering 50% of the twelve auctions held so far, peaking at a selling price of Rs. 3250 in the current financial year, which is a testament to the hard work of the management and employees operating KTFL, the flagship factory of the organization, and the premium quality of the tea, proudly produced in Sri Lanka.
Furthermore, in July of 2022, the company was proud to offer the tea small holders that supply the award winning grades of low grown CTC tea, with a record breaking compensation of Rs. 434.82 per kilo.
Plantation Minister, Hon. Dr. Ramesh Pathirana stated that profits are often an indication of strong leadership and Kalubowitiyana Tea has the privilege of operating under a transparent process of governing which aims to build a legacy appointed through ethical business practices that encourage growth and sustained stability.
As a representative of a proud tea nation, Kalubowitiyana tea is committed to maintaining the gold standards of their business to honour the symbol of quality that is pure Ceylon Tea.

Rain Forest alliance

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